jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

English video - Don't let me get me

My video! At last!
I hope you join it =)
Regards! ^^

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009


Well, i think that every one of us have had troubles with the transantiago.
This system has a lot of problems and one of the most important is the frequency. We, as users, can not trust in transantiago! The buses can pass each 1 or 20 minutes! Perhaps more. Another trouble is the payment of the ticket. Sometimes, like all good Chileans, we forgot charge the card, and we can not board the bus. Besides,
we the students pay $130, but when we lose the card, we have to pay the regular ticket, and the price is between $400 -$480 !!! It is so expensive!. The routes are more shorts than the ones in the past, and we have to take more buses to get to final destination.
As we can see, the transantiago has a lot of negatives
, i can say even more things, but these are the most important negatives things. But this system also has good things too. Like the quality of the buses. They are cleaner than the old ones. The infrastructure is cool as well. They are more comfortable. The bus drivers are more kind too. They looks so much tidy and clean and best prepared to be a driver. The other good thing is that we just pay one ticket, and we can travel three times. Which is great for us! We can save oneself a lot of money.
When this system started, i didn´t understand completely, and was a little hard to get use, but at the end, i could do it very well.

If I must change somethings about the system, maybe the first thing that i would do, would be to increase and to regularize the frequency of the buses, this way, the people, us, could trust in the system, make it more reliable
and after of this, i would start a campaign to educate people for that they remember charge their cards (that would be very nice and i would hope that it works for me).
In conclusion, the transantiago has several very notably bad points, but it also has a good ones too. The only thing that we could do is get use to this system, because always all the new projects has its own troubles.

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009


This is hard, because i would like to visit so many countries, that is hard decide which one.
But i have to say that Australia is one of my favorites alongside New Zeland, i can´t chose between them.
I have always wanted to go to Australia, ever since i can remember. I´m not sure why, but i imagine that is because of the open landscapes, their beautiful spaces and the several things like this. I have heard that here the Australians have a very good treat whit foreigner people and very good agreements, and they have a lot of job prospects with a very good remunerations. Almost the people say this.
I like New Zeland for the same reasons that i mentioned before.
In both cases, overcoat in Australia, you encounter a very good Street-dance class, even a very famous championship of these kind of dance. I woud like very much to assist, if i could be there.
In New Zeland, my dream is to ride a horse through by the largest grasslands and valleys. Is rather poetic and i'm dreamer, but really i want to do this. And if i do the same in Australia, maybe i could see the famous Australian wild horse "brumby". I like them a lot.
I really wouldn't want to study there at the moment, maybe in the future i may change my mind, but right now, i haven't. How i said, i prefer to work. This way, i would get money that i can use to tour the country.

But, i wish visit so many places, several cultures, different kind personalities and customs: India, Mongolia, Egypt, Kenya, Congo, Greece, Italy, France, England, Scotland,USA (Alaska, Colorado Canyon, Montana, New York City, Miami, Hawai), Spain, Jamaica, Brasil, Perú, patagonia Argentina, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, China, Canary Islands, Mexico, etc., they are not enough!


At the end of the 2009 first semester, i felt very proud of myself, because my marks was very good. In contrast whit the past year, this has been a lot more satisfactory. Besides, a learnt a lot of interesting new things. The signatures was a lot more fun that the past ones. I like a lot one: Physiology. Here i can understand many things about how the body works and the functions of the organs and its importance in the in the life process.
I was in a choose signature, "Gymdance", that it wasn't so fun how i expected to be. The music was bored, i think.
In my free time, that i have to say that it wasn't so much, i try to draw something or just watch tv. It depends of my mood. And of course, i went to some party and meetings whit the people i like.
The last semester i have to say that i was really scared. The last year my marks was the worst ones of my entire life, and i was very afraid that they repeat again. But they didn't repeat themselves.
My family is great. I have a sister in last year of school, and she is a little frustrate, because she don't know what study. I hope she found her own way soon.
I have to say that, as many people, i've change a lot, not just my personality, even my friends too. My old friends made a new life and our ways get separated a little. I miss them a lot, but we keep in touch.
The last year i made new friends in the university, and i keep them until now. Every second that i spend whit they, our friendship gets stronger. They are a very good people and i love and care for them a lot.
I hope that these semester i keep up my good marks and the best things happen to me and my beloved friends and family become a reality.