martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009


At the end of the 2009 first semester, i felt very proud of myself, because my marks was very good. In contrast whit the past year, this has been a lot more satisfactory. Besides, a learnt a lot of interesting new things. The signatures was a lot more fun that the past ones. I like a lot one: Physiology. Here i can understand many things about how the body works and the functions of the organs and its importance in the in the life process.
I was in a choose signature, "Gymdance", that it wasn't so fun how i expected to be. The music was bored, i think.
In my free time, that i have to say that it wasn't so much, i try to draw something or just watch tv. It depends of my mood. And of course, i went to some party and meetings whit the people i like.
The last semester i have to say that i was really scared. The last year my marks was the worst ones of my entire life, and i was very afraid that they repeat again. But they didn't repeat themselves.
My family is great. I have a sister in last year of school, and she is a little frustrate, because she don't know what study. I hope she found her own way soon.
I have to say that, as many people, i've change a lot, not just my personality, even my friends too. My old friends made a new life and our ways get separated a little. I miss them a lot, but we keep in touch.
The last year i made new friends in the university, and i keep them until now. Every second that i spend whit they, our friendship gets stronger. They are a very good people and i love and care for them a lot.
I hope that these semester i keep up my good marks and the best things happen to me and my beloved friends and family become a reality.

1 comentario:

  1. At the end of the 2009 first semester, i felt very proud of myself, because my marks SVA was very good. In contrast SP whit the past year, this has been a lot more satisfactory. Besides, WW a learnt a lot of interesting new things. The FC signatures was a lot more fun that the past ones. I like a lot one: Physiology. Here i can understand many things about how the body works and the functions of the organs and its importance in the in the life process.
    I was in a choose WW signature, "Gymdance", that it wasn't so fun how i expected to be. The music was bored, i think.
    In my free time, that i have to say that it wasn't so much, i try to draw something or just watch tv. It depends WW of my mood. And of course, i went to some party and meetings SP whit the people i like.
    The last semester i have to say that i was really scared. The last year my marks was the worst ones of my entire life, and i was very afraid that they repeat again. But they didn't repeat themselves.
    My family is great. I have a sister in last year of school, and she is a little WF frustrate, because she SVA don't know what study. I hope she found her own way soon.
    I have to say that, as many people, i've WF change a lot, not just my personality, even my friends too. My old friends made a new life and our ways get separated a little. I miss them a lot, but we keep in touch.
    WW The last year i made new friends in the university, and i keep them until now. Every second that i spend SP whit they, our friendship gets stronger. They are a very good people and i love and care for them a lot.
    I hope that WF these semester i keep up my good marks and the best things happen to me and my beloved friends and family become a reality.



    p.s. you got a 5.4
