jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009


Second best place in my class.
NEM (marks of the "middle" teach): 6.5
PSU: 660 points average
Conclusion: i´ll go to make my dream true to the Universidad de Chile to study Veterinary medicine.
Stress: 2 points


Place in university: i really prefer do not mention it...
Marks average: i really prefer do not mention it.....
Failed courses: 2
Conclusion: i really prefer no dot write it or say it...
Stress: 7 points

As we can see, the university change my life in several aspects, and of a very aggressive way. But i did survive to the 2008, and although i couln'd finish unhurt, my spirit still fighter as always.

Well, this year i started with a new air, fresh and optimist, thinking that the last just was a bad dream. Everybody have the chance to learn about our mistakes, and i think that i used the last year as an example to do now the things of a better way.
El first semester was very easy for me, i was very confused about it. But, i don´t know, maybe was because i liked more the signatures. I think that this reason cold be enough to make this real. I liked a lot physiology, but others i hated them, like economy or "Population ecology". Them and i just could't fix together.
Other good thing in the first semester and too in the second, was the horse practise. They were so much fun and i learnt a lot. Besides, near of September, was inaugurate the new "picadero" and i, although i can pay it, went and i made a new friend, the teacher Manuel Pizarro. Very good person and a very good teacher i guest.
The second semester was a little different freomm the first. This was a lot more difficult than the last one. We had to learn so many things, so many details and names so much strange! We got confused of a very easy way. And in november we got over a 10 test !! and all the final test. I had no life in these time. But i could survive again, but this time, unhurt !! But i finish the semester completly exhausted. I only want to sleep right now and whn i can "load" a little of energy, WALK !!! I wished so much during the long nights and days of study sitting in front of the computer.

Failed courses: 0
Stress of middle year: 5
Stress of final year (november): 100 points !!

But well, i could pass to the next year, and although sometimes i can colapse because of the stress, alway i can go on, and today, after the damn november, i believe more in my self, and i don´t think that i am stupid because mmy marks, whose didn´t represent all the time that i use to study the matters of the signatures. I believe that i can reah my goal. And even i am scared of the 2010, because the oldest students say that thirth year is the worst, i have faith on me. And that is the more important thing in the university.

The end =)



Because the lives are the most important thing in the world, the health is the most important discipline.
Veterinarian medicine, like all medicines, is a dynamic discipline. Always changing, always with new challenges, always with new information, share by a huge web of scientist, doctors, etc.


One thing very important in medicine is the patients comfortably. Sometimes, they have to do a very long therapy, like the dialysis. The hospitals, animal and humans, must have special conditions to this patients, and the most faster.
They have to get the last technology to get the best results in their interventions.
The best places (the most expensive ones) have the best of the best technology and for this, the best results. The lives depend of the efficiency and efficacy of their therapy that depends on technology.


In the discipline that i want follow, equine medicine, the subject "social" is very difficult.
This area is a little complicated for me just for being a girl. The guys that manage to the horses are very sexist. So i'll have to deal with this all my life, until i win their respect. I will have to be strong enough to handle the potential situations.
Other challenge very important for all veterinaryans is the people that think that we work for free. We don´t. Nobody does !
We will have to deal with this people too, so we have to prepare our self to this "lillte" trouble.


As the medicine is a dinamic discipline, always we must to be actualize. Knowing the most amount of things that could use in our job. Educating constantly to ours minds. Never is a plenty of knowledge, they will never be enough. So, until now to the infinity and beyond, we must read a lot about all the things that we could posibly use.


When i began in university, it was very sample. The best thing was Farm World. But it was dirty and with dry grass and garbage, a lot of it ! But just when we start the year, the thing began to get better: they did new classrooms, new bathrooms, clean the garbage and the dry grass, they made a new gym and the "picadero" and the troy for horses.
The faculty looks so much better now !

But still existing some bad things, like the papers stick in the walls, the blockers are awful and the food prizes are very expensive. I thought that we need too things to explore new areas, like exotic medicine, learning about animals no so common, and we need new buses (the faculty buses are very old and they many times just stay stopped in the middle of a trip).

I think that university it´s growing and getting better, but we still needing some stuffs. We as students can contribute with the clean and just giving information to the authorities to the conditions of us.


5 miniature animals that make good pets ...
1. Micro pigs: very intelligent pets, even can learn their names. Affectionate, live until the 18 years old. Need a large garden and a partner.

2. Pygmy goats
: is a funny pet ! And they need a partner of their own specie or even can be another like a horse !

3. Falabella pony: their like a dog. They onli can be ridden by a small kids or taught little carts.

. Pygmy hedgehogs: They are like a hamster: are nocturns and enjoy exercise wheels. They live for three to five years. But this creatures are carnivorous! and have some spines.

5. Miniature mules - A cross between a miniature donkey and a miniature mare. They are a very feisty pets.

This animals and domestic pets, ussed to liuve between humans and their diets. We can supply their needs very eassy ways. They are more animals, including a Pygmy seahorse, Miniature donkeys, Fennec foxes, and even cows (Dexter cows). All of a very small size.

And 5 you don´t...

1.Eleutherodactylus limbatus Is a very tiny frog, they can lose their self very easly way.

2.Albino microbats : like their name, they are a smalls bats. They are very rare. Besides they are albinos.

3.Dwarf caymans: The people forget what they really are. Even being tiny, they are still crocodiles.

4. Pygmy mouse lemur The people do not understand what they do to the nature when took this kind of animals from the nature and put them in a cage. They are very small too.

5. Philippine tarsiers Like the last one, this animal have been stolen from the nature to become a pet. But their "bug" diet and often die in captivity, that no longer seems a good idea.

The majority of this animals are endangered and it´s ilegal have one in their houses and ofcourse, make a market of them. Other animal like Leptotyphlops carlae (a snake so small that the cscientis just discovered 1 year ago. It´s like a warm), Pygmy leaf chameleons, Pygmy marmosets, sand cats (As the name says, they prefer the sand) and Small-clawed otters are very beautiful animals, but they are exotic pets, so inour houses they suffer a lot. They need a lot of space, even being very tiny and need special conditions and food.

LINK: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/gallery/2009/nov/06/miniature-animals-pets?picture=355223628