jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009



Because the lives are the most important thing in the world, the health is the most important discipline.
Veterinarian medicine, like all medicines, is a dynamic discipline. Always changing, always with new challenges, always with new information, share by a huge web of scientist, doctors, etc.


One thing very important in medicine is the patients comfortably. Sometimes, they have to do a very long therapy, like the dialysis. The hospitals, animal and humans, must have special conditions to this patients, and the most faster.
They have to get the last technology to get the best results in their interventions.
The best places (the most expensive ones) have the best of the best technology and for this, the best results. The lives depend of the efficiency and efficacy of their therapy that depends on technology.


In the discipline that i want follow, equine medicine, the subject "social" is very difficult.
This area is a little complicated for me just for being a girl. The guys that manage to the horses are very sexist. So i'll have to deal with this all my life, until i win their respect. I will have to be strong enough to handle the potential situations.
Other challenge very important for all veterinaryans is the people that think that we work for free. We don´t. Nobody does !
We will have to deal with this people too, so we have to prepare our self to this "lillte" trouble.


As the medicine is a dinamic discipline, always we must to be actualize. Knowing the most amount of things that could use in our job. Educating constantly to ours minds. Never is a plenty of knowledge, they will never be enough. So, until now to the infinity and beyond, we must read a lot about all the things that we could posibly use.

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