miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


When i was a kid, my parents was unable to understand why the only thing that i could talk, speak or even think was about horses. The teachers asked to my parents if they had a farm or if they took me to the racetrack, but they didn´t. I've never could explain it, but i just love them since i can remember.
They are so amazing creatures! For them i always wish to be a veterinarian.

I like all animals, but horses... i don´t know. Once, i created a theory. It is very crazy, but the only way that i can explain this feeling: i lived another life, a past life where i was a farm girl, or a rider, or other job nearest of horses. I know. it sounds crazy, but is the only way !

Their moves, their strength, their eyes, their hair, i don´t know. The feeling when you are riding !!! My god!, i can't express how i felt when for the first time i rode it and galloped. In that moment, i have to say, that was when i felt more free than never in my entire life.

They can be indomitable or very obedient, reluctant or friendly. Through their eyes. that big and beautiful eyes, you can see their soul. You can finally understand what they want to tell you. You can see their free soul.

Maybe that is what i most like of them. Their freedom. Even when they are in their stables, you can see them and you just know that they are really more free than you. It´s the deepest feeling in me. So deep that i though my life around them. I search the way to be near from them, because where i live, the nearest horses are the ones of the street's carts.

Sometimes i discuss with the men of the carts, because they have their horses in terrible conditions. It breaks my heart. The head down, their ears down, their looks down and within any glow in them. It's so sad! It drives me crazy. Well, any animal that is suffering by any person, produce me an uncontrollable angry. I think that in that moments, their looks trapped. That people steal their freedom. They are no horses if they don´t have freedom.

Well, for all these reasons and other things that i can´t even explain in spanish, nor even to myself, i love horses.
They are my pasion, my inspiration, my goal, and i´m not gonna stop, until i reach it. I definitely wanna spend my life with them.


Santiago is a very varied place. A city with a lot of places to visit and things to do.

The place that a foreinger have to visit, is the San Cristobal hill. Is very beautiful. Here are beautiful parks and a wonderful view, a place where we can make exercise, etc. Even we have here the Metropolitan Zoo, that in the present, is impeccable and have a lot of animals. If you want, you can climb the hill until reach the top of it where is the beautiful statue of the virgen, very famous in Santiago. You can see her from every place in the city.

Another place that have to visit, is the Santiago's cathedral. Is so amazing! Its architecture it's gorgeous. Here you can feel an extrange and spiritual energy, that makes you feel safe and protected. Even if the visitor is not believer, the foreinger or any person can go in and see its beauty.

But if you wanna have fun, or do you like go out in the night, a very good place is the "Sala Murano", a disco in Las Condes. It is very big and have an infrastucture very cool. Many people go to visit it from all the corners of the city.

But you can have fun in other kind of places, if you like the free air activities. A very good place is the Mahuida Park. Here are unusual activities, like the "Rodelbahn", that in fact their name meaning is "Hint of Sled", where each car low to speed 60 km per hour, feeling the speed, managed by a lever makes us to live an exciting experience. I have gone, and is very fun! In this park we can do another activities, like "Paintball", fly in helicopter and bungy-springboard. They are very exciting activities.

But my favourite place, although is not really in Santiago, is San José de Maipo. Here are so many things to do!, so many places that you can discover for yourself. You can go to Alfalfal that have amazing mountains, or San Gabriel, where is a hide waterfall and caves, even yopu can reach "Baños Morales" with
thermal springs, etc. Besides, the little town in the heart of the "cajón" it´s so Chilean!, where you can eat delicious "empanadas" and lunchs. The people could do really anything here.

Thousands things that the foreigner could do and visit in Santiago!

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009


First of all i have to recognize that i think that i am very patriotic.
I love my country ! and always i defend it of everybody that speaks bad things about it and i hate when people throw garbage in public places. I think than that is like get their own houses dirty ! It´s awful. But speaking about the good things, this country it´s gorgeous! All the landscape that we have, the variety is huge! And the Chileans still travel so far away and sometimes they don't even know ours !
Another thing that i like is the way that Chileans are. Although this can cause a little controversial, because sometimes we are very bad people, but i think that's the way that humans are, not only Chileans. But i think that we are very warm people and very friendly, we like the jokes and we laugh very much!.
The bad thing is that the chileans majority do not see this, and always have a very bad perseption of ourselfs. Few days ago, talk about this in TV news. All the interviwed chileans, talk just bad things about our beatiful contries!, but one peruvian woman that lives and works here, just say wonderful and good things of Chile. She said that Chile is so much clean, arranged, whit a lot of opportunities that she doesn´t have in her contry.
I do not have my personal opinion very clear about the 11th of September, because my family think that it was good in some ways. Although the are not a fan, but they're not against them. They are very RIGHT for this thing, but they are not a fanatic people. So, all my life i been listening this, but my personal experience say me that the politics never say the true, so i think that both politics bands did bad things. I thinks that all that missing persons was murdered, and that is not acceptable. Was a very bad period for us i think, but i look forward, not the past, and i think that the Chileans have to leave this in the past. All the persons that did participate actively are dead now! And i thinks that the people are make the disorders for this date are stupids and ignorant kids that nothing know about the suppoused reasons of the 11th september disorders. Sorry, but i hate them. They embarrase me, really. They and all the delincuents, robbers, rapist, pedophile, etc. Sorry for my emotions, what i most hate in all the world and universe, is that they take away my freedom, and they do that. But, they are arround the worl, exept in Holland i think (lol).
But i always will defend Chile. Beause i have faith in our future generations, they can make grow Chile, and i am sure that Chile will be recognized like a very good place to visit and live.