miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


When i was a kid, my parents was unable to understand why the only thing that i could talk, speak or even think was about horses. The teachers asked to my parents if they had a farm or if they took me to the racetrack, but they didn´t. I've never could explain it, but i just love them since i can remember.
They are so amazing creatures! For them i always wish to be a veterinarian.

I like all animals, but horses... i don´t know. Once, i created a theory. It is very crazy, but the only way that i can explain this feeling: i lived another life, a past life where i was a farm girl, or a rider, or other job nearest of horses. I know. it sounds crazy, but is the only way !

Their moves, their strength, their eyes, their hair, i don´t know. The feeling when you are riding !!! My god!, i can't express how i felt when for the first time i rode it and galloped. In that moment, i have to say, that was when i felt more free than never in my entire life.

They can be indomitable or very obedient, reluctant or friendly. Through their eyes. that big and beautiful eyes, you can see their soul. You can finally understand what they want to tell you. You can see their free soul.

Maybe that is what i most like of them. Their freedom. Even when they are in their stables, you can see them and you just know that they are really more free than you. It´s the deepest feeling in me. So deep that i though my life around them. I search the way to be near from them, because where i live, the nearest horses are the ones of the street's carts.

Sometimes i discuss with the men of the carts, because they have their horses in terrible conditions. It breaks my heart. The head down, their ears down, their looks down and within any glow in them. It's so sad! It drives me crazy. Well, any animal that is suffering by any person, produce me an uncontrollable angry. I think that in that moments, their looks trapped. That people steal their freedom. They are no horses if they don´t have freedom.

Well, for all these reasons and other things that i can´t even explain in spanish, nor even to myself, i love horses.
They are my pasion, my inspiration, my goal, and i´m not gonna stop, until i reach it. I definitely wanna spend my life with them.

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